
Giving Back is Alive and Well at EHL!

From humble beginnings, Jacques Tschumi started EHL as a pioneer in customer experience excellence by instilling a culture of giving back through servant leadership. Many examples throughout the past 130 years highlight this at EHL, from the first alumni fundraising campaign in the 1940s to the class gift given by the most recent graduating class in 2023, the spirit of giving back is alive and well at EHL.    

The most recent class, 2023, donated over 50K CHF for scholarships to create access to an amazing education for future students. We would like to see our alumni follow the leadership of these students and help us raise funds for our scholarship endowment.  It is with this spirit that we offer the Class Gift Challenge!

Class Gift Challenge

Which class will have the greatest impact on future students? We are asking you to support future students by combining our resources to build an endowed scholarship fund.

Goal: CHF 1.5 Million towards the endowed scholarship fund

Timeframe: March 20, 2024 through June 3, 2024.  

Result: Achievement of this goal will allow to offer scholarships, for deserving students, in perpetuity (forever).

Recognition: Scholarship donations will be attributed to the graduation year of the donor (those with multiple graduation years, please select the first). We will announce the most generous “class” at the EHL graduation ceremony in July of this year (2024). In addition to this public recognition, the most generous “class” will be identified and recognized on our Wall of Honor at the EHL Campus.

Curious how this works? Contact us below to discuss our endowment and strategy for investing in our future student leaders.

We thank you for your willingness to support excellence at EHL, and please know that your tax-deductible contribution makes a difference, thank you.  

Time Remaining: Class Gift Challenge

Days expired

The Class Gift Challenge is now completed.

Stay tuned, we will communicate results of the campaign, and which class has been the most generous. 

Please know that you can still give to our scholarship fund by using the box above.

Leading by Example



CHF donated by classes of 2023



CHF overall contributions by the EHL community (staff and students)



Students received financial aid in 2023

Impact in Action!


Global Impact

Consistent with our international student body, the global reach of our scholarship program has created access for students from all over the world to study at EHL.


Support Student Access

We help talented students who need financial aid to pursue their dreams of a hospitality education, which empowers them for future personal and professional success.

Donations to our scholarship and loan foundation help support equal-opportunity access to higher education and give deserving students a chance to access international career opportunities or give back to their communities with valuable skill sets and knowledge.